Monday, July 12, 2010

Term 2 PMI: Oli

Here is Oli to share his PMI with you.


  1. Hey Oli,

    Its William here from room 11 (Madeleine's brother). I just watched your P.M.I and it sounds like you're in quite a fun and interesting class.
    William, Room 11, Grey Lynn School U

  2. Talofa Oli, thank you for sharing your learning I to love reading and agree books have lots of adventures you can get stuck into. I thought you spoke well and i could also hear clearly. Good work and keep it Oli. From Otalani

  3. Awesome PMI Oily i like your confidence when speaking into the camer.
    From Filo and Lola in room16

  4. Hello Oli,
    It's your friend in London Marlo here.
    I liked watching your PMI, school sounds fun this year
    from Marlo
