Monday, September 20, 2010

Grey Lynn School Centennial

On Friday, it was Grey Lynn School's 100th birthday! To celebrate, there was a special morning tea that past pupils, teachers and parents were invited to. There were also lots of special events all weekend. As part of the morning tea on Friday, the visitors were shown around the school by Year 6 volunteers. We had lots of visitors in Room 8 and we wore our "100" crowns especially for the occasion. It was lots of fun showing the visitors our learning and how we do school today. They told us that there had been many changes since they were here! Thanks for coming, visitors.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 8, What a week of fun and celebration you have had. I am sure that all the visitors and past pupils will have loved spending time in your class. I can see in your movie that you were doing all kinds of things that they wouldn't have done when they went to school. What did they think of it? Did you interview any of the past pupils?
    Mrs Burt
