Tuesday, September 15, 2009

All about Reports

This week for reading, Group B read an report by Mitchell Rattenbury about his Grandma, Dot Meharry. It told them all about Nana Dot, her likes and dislikes and her hobbies. Then the members of Group B were asked to write reports just like Mitchell, but about another person in their group. Here are Jennifer and Xavier to tell you all about each other!
(Reading from Junior Journal 33, My Grandma is an Author.)


  1. Wow Room 10! I learned so much from this reading activity. I loved the clear voice overs and the wealth of information you provided.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Well Group B - you have written some very good reports. I can tell you are good writers (and readers) but I think Jennifer and Xavier must be good interviewers too because you found out some very interesting details about each other.
    Well done
    Mrs Burt
