In Room 8, we have been learning to write recounts that have an orientation, a sequence of events and then finish with a personal comment. We visited the pool on Wednesday this week and since then have been working hard on a recount of our time in the school pool. Here is Isobel's fantastic recount for you to enjoy. To check out the rest, you'll have to visit Room 8!
This morning Room 8 went to the pool to practice for swimming sports.
First we walked to the swimming pool. I felt happy because I like swimming. We got changed in the changing rooms.
Next we lined up in three lines at the deep end of the pool. I was excited because I had not done this for a long time.
Soon it was my turn to get in and swim. I did well but the second time I got in and scratched my arm. It stung in the water but I was ok. I used a flutter board to swim the whole pool.
Soon after we got out of the pool, got dressed and walked back to class. I felt happy because I like our school pool.
By Isobel.